The Northwest Beer Guide

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Month in 360 ... Pumpkins, Pagans, and Dinners

PumAllaEly College Football is in full swing here in the Northwest, and to most of us college fans living in Washington, we might as well not even have one. Between the 1 & "oh god make the pain stop" Huskies and Cougars, or the recent bashing to the Ducks, the only glimmer of joy outside of an occasional sun break through the clouds, is good autumn beers.

    Although it occurred last month (the last day to be precise) my wife and I celebrated 2 years of marriage by heading out to Collin's Pub to share a 5 course dinner complete with multiple 12 ounces pours of their draft selection. Chef Erik Wood really wowed us, with a wonderful Pumpkin Bisque that was complimented with a recent addition into WA, in the form of Southern Tier Imperial Pumking Ale. The beer paired well by brushing aside each-other's pumpkin-esque qualities revealing a wonderful spice and zesty complexion. I won't go on any further about the meal, only to say that it continued with a green salad with New Belgium Eric's 'sour' vinaigrette dressing, a cabbage with foie gras, a black lentil with chicken entree, and finally a Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout caramel covered brownie. Mmm, thank you so much Seth, Erik, and the rest of the helpful staff at Collin's for making our night special.

JHarris Last week featured John Harris of Full Sail Brewing appearing at the Beveridge Place Pub to promote his "21" Doppel Bock, in recognition of 21 years of offering the Northwest employee owned beer. The list also included, their signature Imperial Stout (which can be found every other year aging in bourbon barrels), a rare keg of Prodgial Sun India Pale Ale, a draft only keg of Lupulin Fresh Hop Ale, & finally their Pale Ale run through a "Randall" with Columbus hops. There was prizes for those that supported not only Full Sail but also BPP, by purchasing a pint, I even ended up winning a shirt. After a semil long night (and avoiding the Vice Presidential Debate) I made my way home. Cheers to Full Sail and to Harris for another 20+ years.

    Also, BPP as of Sunday the 5th, initiated their annual Hoptoberfest, a celebration of Washington India Pale Ales (included Double IPAs, Imperial, & other varieties). Get on down there look at the list on draft and turn your vote in (Washington brewery IPAs and they don't have to be on draft to vote). Additional BPP details will come out as I get a chance to confirm dates and details.

    If you were in Yakima last weekend you witnessed a wonderful showing of Fresh Hopped beers at the 4th Annual Fresh Hop Festival. Based on some of the feedback given on well known enthusiast sites, this was a fun event and feature alot of tasty IPAs. I was unable to go due to other convictions (*cough College Football), but hopefully next year I will be down there enjoying a savory Northern Lights, or Snipes Mountain.

Forecaster If you have Wednesday the 8th free head out to Redhook's Forecaster's Pub for a twice in a lifetime (the first being the late 90s) chance to taste Double Black Stout, or for those recently introduced to Redhook, the first time. Note, this is a limited time offering, so between October 8th at the brewery and November for the rest of the markets, you will have a chance to savior this dark legend. This will only be available till February 2009 or until they run out.

"Double Black Stout is a smooth, imperial stout enhanced by the addition of rich, flavorful coffee and dark malts to create a big, roasted flavor. Redhook brewers recommend pairing the strongly malted beer with grilled beef or dark chocolate and strawberries to enhance its decadent undertones"

Uber One more just hit the books in the form of another Uber Tavern production with special Guest Rob Todd of Allagash (Maine). Be sure to swing by there and say hello to one of the rare treats to visit us from the east coast.

Finally, a couple of mentionables should I miss anything in the coming couple of weeks.

On the 18th, 26th, & 30th; Elysian Brewing will be hosting their "Pumpkin Festival", check their website for details.

Elliot Bay Brewery, might still have some kegs of stuff laying around at their Burien brewery for the remainder of Oktoberfest (kicked off last Saturday the 4th).


Related Material

  • Collin's Pub
    Seattle, WA
  • Southern Tier Brewing
    Lakewood, NY
  • New Belgium Brewing
    Fort Collins, CO
  • Full Sail Brewing
    Hood River, OR
  • Beveridge Place Pub
    Seattle, WA
  • Redhook "Forecaster's Pub" Brewery
    Woodinville, WA
  • Allagash Brewing
    Portland, ME
  • Elysiuan Brewing
    Seattle, WA
  • Elliot Bay Brewing
    Burien, WA