The Northwest Beer Guide

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WA, Fund Raiser for Brouwer’s Cavanaugh 4/26

CCav In case you are around the Fremont neighborhood and have no real logical reason for not getting a pint in at Brouwer’s Cafe consider this as an incentive, it pays.

Chris Cavanaugh a longtime bartender and friend of many at the Cafe was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma / Leukemia.

“He will be out of work for treatment for the next 6 months and will surely need help getting through this tough time.” –source, Brouwer’s Cafe Newsletter

In keeping with the brewing communities’ sense of support for each other several breweries have donated kegs of beer for a special event this Sunday the 26th. Proceeds from every dollar spent on a pint (or schooner) will go towards assisting Chris during his time away from the bar. Additionally local artists work’s will be available for purchase with the proceeds also assisting Chris. Entertainment starts at nine (9:00 PM PST) in the form of Live Music.

If you cannot make it but would still like to help you can make a donation to the account setup in his name at the Fremont Bank.



Brouwer’s Cafe
400 N 35th St Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 267-1200

Fremont Bank

UPDATE: I have been informed that Chris’s last name has too many n’s. Correction made. Thanks SocialRetard.