The Northwest Beer Guide

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Poll, Name Change for the Pickled Liver

     For some time I have been toying with the idea of changing the name from The Pickled Liver to something more formal and sounding more like a news site. Although my motives are mostly in part because of a pending redesign that the site is slowly experiencing I thought I would ask for your opinion on the matter.

     So far I am considering the following options,

Northwest Beer Guide (the name of my URL on the blogspot domain. Although there is currently another website that has registered the domain, this might get me into legal hot water despite my domain being registered since 2006)

Northwest Craft Beer Explorer

Northwest Cicerone (a name derived from the craft beer equivalent of a certified wine sommelier)

Northwest Beer Passport

Craft Beer Northwest

Let me know your thoughts on the matter and I will let you know what I decide by the end of the week.


Paul “Fruit Trees”