The Northwest Beer Guide

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(ID) Brewforia needs our help regarding UPS’s alcohol shipping policy

Boise, ID – In the realm of craft beer enthusiasts there are two types, consumers and seekers. Consumers are those of us that are happy and eager to drink something local or from out of town, as long as it’s at a bar or grocer. Seekers on the other hand, are those of us out that are never satisfied with the current selection available brew and instead are willing to drive, fly, or "trade" for that new beer. It is because of those persistent, never satisfied, beer-traders, that stores like Brewforia have a purpose.

Owned and operated by Rick Boyd, Boise’s Brewforia bottleshop is a grocer, which specializes in the practice of selling in-store and online (with delivery via UPS / Federal Express) beer for purchase. In the short time that their online operations have existed, they have without incident shipped to over 34 states, beer, to eager consumers. Unfortunately, UPS has elected to change their policy with Brewforia, regarding what beverages will qualify for shipping to consumers, namely beer and spirits.

As many of you know Brewforia started out over a year ago as an online specialty beer retailer providing access to the world of beer to thirsty consumers in 34 states. Well all that could come to an end if UPS and FedEx have their way and we need your help to make sure that doesn’t happen.

As of Tuesday we have been prohibited by our carrier, UPS to ship any more orders as this is in violation of their policy. Were we shipping wine there would be no conflict which I believe discriminates against a very large segment of consumers. I’m calling on all of you to support Brewforia and the craft beer industry as a whole by calling and emailing UPS to ask them to change their policy. -source, Brewforia’s Rick Boyd

What this means is that prior to this change in attitude, Brewforia was able to ship beer to customers, provided they supplied legal documents, proving they were over 21 years of age.

When we went online to look up shipping beer via UPS we only found a dedicated section for wine shipments. Within this section it indicates that wine can only be delivered if the customer had been physically at the winery and provided legal documents proving they were allowed to purchase wine. Regrettably there exists no parity with regards to beer and spirits.

If left without comment, and assuming Fed-Ex follows suit, Brewforia will have to cease their online delivery operations. For more information where you can comment and learn more about UPS's shipping policies, head over to their site or contact Chris Coleman (404) 828-4900 or email

UPS's Policy Regarding Shipment of Wine (with a small clarification on beer and spirits)

Special Thanks to Treasured Valley for inspiring this mention.

435 North Milwaukee Street Boise, ID 83702 (208) 585-7461
