The Northwest Beer Guide

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(WA) Naked City Night At Green Frog, July 14th At 6:00 PM

image from one of the walls of The Green Frog Courtesy of heisler's Flickr page Bellingham, WA – Ok, we are sure you are getting tired of this, but another Brewers Night is coming to the Green Frog Acoustic Cafe in Bellingham. What makes this one special is that a longstanding local favorite brewery of ours will be featured.

That’s right, Naked City Brewery & Taphouse will be in Bellingham showing you what Don Webb is capable of. Rumors persist that Co-owner Donald Averil will also be in attendance and with the beers being served this is not to be missed.

For those who need an additional nudge outside the usual “hey get to the Green Frog”, here is the list of beers Don & Donald will be bringing. As always beer and free schwag will be served, provided you arrive to participate.

  • Hopacalypse Now Imperial IPA
  • Yankee Drifter Summer Ale,
  • Hoptrocity Rye IPA,
  • Duplicity Belgian Style Dubbel
  • Spark in the Dark Smoked Porter

July 14th, 2010 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Naked City Brewery & Taphouse Night, Green Frog Acoustic Cafe

902 North State Street, Bellingham, WA 98225-5089 (360) 756-1213‎
