The Northwest Beer Guide

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(NW) GABF: Oregon and Idaho Come Home With Medals, While Idaho Is Left Out

Pacific Northwest - Admittedly this story is old news but we couldn't help but still report on this. Last Saturday night, under the shelter of the Denver Convention Center, in downtown, the Great American Brewers Festival recognized its own. For some this is the greatest part of the festival while for others the worst.

With over 75 beer styles, there is a grantee that you will see something from a brewery you have had the pleasure of consuming. This year we are pleased to announce some breweries returning to recognition, some breweries continuing to win, and some fresh faces taking home medals.

We posted the winning entries according to medals, from our Northwest counterparts, including the number of entrants that were competing against them. Special mention goes to the India Black Ale with at total of 53 entries! Considering the age of this style in regards to years that this beer has been brewing compared to a welcome classic like, American-style Stout, that is impressive.

Washington - Gold

Hale's Ales Kolsch (under category 22 Kellerbier / Zwickelbier w/24 entries)

The Ram "Big Horn" Total Disorder Porter *Tacoma (under category 69 Brown Porter w/33 entries)

Chuckanut Vienna Lager (under category 31 Vienna-style Lager w/35 entries)

Washington - Silver

Pyramid Apricot Ale (under category 3 Fruit Beer w/75 entries)

Elysian Dark O' The Moon Pumpkin Stout (under category 4 Field Beer w/28 entries)

Washington - Bronze

Boundary Bay Imperial Oatmeal Stout (under category 11 Other Strong Beer w/48 entries)

Chuckanut Pilsner (under category 25 German-style Pilsener w/48 entries)

Oregon - Gold

Deschutes Mirror Pond Pale Ale (under category 43 Classic English-style Pale Ale w/29 entries)

Barley Brown Turmoil (under category 58 American-style India Black Ale w/53 entries)

Pelican Kiwanda Cream Ale (under category 40 Golden or Blonde Ale w/55 entries

Oregon - Silver

Barley Brown Shredder Wheat (under category 1 American-style Wheat Beer w/23 entries)

Deschutes Gluten Free (under category 14 Gluten Free Beer w/13 entries)

Bend Cherry Baltic (under category 21 Aged Beer w/30 entries)

Deschutes Wowzenbock (under category 62 German-style Wheat Ale w/29 entries)

Barley Brown Disorder Stout (under category 73 American-style Stout w/77 entries)

Oregon - Bronze

Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar (under category 7 Specialty Beer w/23 entries)

Laurelwood Deranger Imperial Red Ale (under category 40 Imperial Red Ale w/43 entries)

Widmer Drop Top Amber (under category 52 Ordinary or Special Bitter w/47 entries

Deschutes Bachelor ESB (under category 53 Extra Special Bitter or Strong Bitter w/42 entries)

Silver Moon Bridge Creek Pilsner (under category 26 Bohemian-style Pilsner w/42 entries)

Pelican Tsunami Stout (under category 72: Foreign-style Stout w/33 entries)

Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout (under category 73 American-style Stout w/27 entries)

The Ram "Big Horn" Maibock *Salem (under category 37 Bock w/36 entries)

Pelican MacPelican's Wee Heavy Ale (under category 77 Scotch Ale w/34 entries)

Bend Outback X (under category 78 Old Ale or Strong Ale w/38 entries)

Congrats to not only those in Washington and Oregon, but all winners. With each medal framed, or hung loosely for drinkers to see, it continues to drive the quality of craft beer.

If you see a particular brewery that you are curious about visiting, check them out in our “Find A Brewery” or “Find a Pub” sections.

About the Great American Beer Festival

  • 29th annual festival.
  • More than 2,200 beers will be in the festival hall—the biggest selection of American beers ever served.
  • 36,000 gallons of beer.
  • 49,000 attendees expected (includes ticketed attendees, brewers, judges, volunteers and journalists).
  • 455 U.S. breweries serving in the festival hall.

About The Beer Competition (aka, Beers Entered And How They Are Judged)

The Great American Beer festival is not only about sampling quality beer but is also a beer competition. Breweries enter their beers to be judged by the festival’s Professional Judge Panel. Festival attendees can also sip the beer entered in the competition during the tasting sessions.

The Great American Beer Festival invites industry professionals from around the world to sit together in small groups and, without knowing the brand name, taste beers in each specified style category. The ultimate goal of the Great American Beer Festival Judge Panel is to identify the three beers that best represent each beer-style category as described and adopted by the Great American Beer Festival.

The Professional Judge Panel awards gold, silver or bronze medals that are recognized around the world as symbols of brewing excellence. These awards are among the most coveted in the industry and heralded by the winning brewers in their national advertising.

Five different three-hour judging sessions take place over the three-day period during the week of the festival. Judges are assigned beers to evaluate in their specific area of expertise and never judge their own product or any product in which they have a concern.
