The Northwest Beer Guide

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Beer Release: (NW) Coming Soon … New Belgium Brewing Releasing Lips of Faith Dunkelweiss and Lips of Faith Le Terroir

This one came in on the wire and we thought we would include it on the front page. With a pending release of this quarter we are happy to announce New Belgium’s Dunkelweiss and Le Terroir. Here is what the brewery had to offer us when we inquired about both.

Dunkelweiss is a deep amber brown with a dense off-white head, offering a rediscovery of hefeweissbiers through a Belgian brewer's lens.  Envisioned by Matty "Smooth" Gilliland, this beer opens with sweet clove, chocolate and banana notes that give way to a warm finish with a peppery tingle across the palate.

"I thought it would be fun to make a German wheat beer; we've explored the Belgian wheats pretty thoroughly,” said Gilliland.  "Since this is Lips of Faith, making a big, strong, dark Weiss beer sounded pretty folly-licious." "Think of it as a Gran Cru dunkelweiss,” he added.
Dunkelweiss is 9.0% ABV.

Le Terroir Dry Hopped Sour Ale is the second Lips of Faith beer now available in limited markets.  Le Terroir is a French term meaning "of the earth."  Used to reference the environmental conditions that affect the brew, New Belgium prefers to think about the terroir of our foeders, the wooden barrels that age sour beers in varying temperatures, humidity and vibrations.  Add in another variable by dry-hopping with peachy, mango-like amarillo hops, and Le Terroir changes every time it is brewed.
Le Terroir is 7.5% ABV.

About New Belgium Brewing Company

New Belgium Brewing Company, makers of Fat Tire Amber Ale and a host of Belgian-inspired beers, began operations in a tiny Fort Collins basement in 1991. Today, the third largest craft brewer in the U.S., New Belgium produces seven year-round beers; Fat Tire Amber Ale, Sunshine Wheat, Blue Paddle Pilsner, 1554 Black Ale, Abbey, Mothership Wit and Trippel, as well as a host of seasonal releases.  In addition to producing world-class beers, New Belgium takes pride in being a responsible corporate role model with progressive programs such as employee ownership, open book management and a commitment to environmental stewardship.  For more information, visit

Look for both of these beers to be featured on shelves throughout the Northwest very soon (if not now). As always if you don’t see it at a grocery store near you ask your grocer to buy some!
