The Northwest Beer Guide

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Festival Preview: Father’s Day & Washington Beer Festival, The Last Day

image of It’s finally here, Father’s Day. A time when shoppers no longer have to see inserted ads for Dads & Grads. A time when getting something for that special someone doesn’t immediately require an XY chromosome. Aw heck who are we kidding, it’s Father Day!

Top things off it’s the last day of the Washington Brewers Festival.

Commonly nicknamed the Father’s Day festival this event has so far been enjoyable and loathed. With day one and day two in the books we have seen everything from sunny weather and an all-Washington cask night, to a dreary sunless Saturday that only experienced warmth from the cheering of the audience at day one of the brewers keg toss.

In two days we have seen breweries Black Raven and (new kid on the block) Wingman go line-for-line regarding which brewery is most appreciated. We have seen brewers and brewery representatives use form and style to hurl an empty 1/4 barrel ‘pony keg’ into a kiddy pool. By the way the current tally for points accrued from three chances to make it into the pool, is 9 and it’s shared by two breweries. We won’t divulge which breweries are tied. You will just have to show up.

It’s easy to say that the past two days have been eventful.

Today is no different as the weather is still calling for overcast and potentially rain.

image courtesy of Google Search "Kenmore, WA Weather" That shouldn’t stop those who have braved Friday and Saturday from getting those last minutes brewery brews sampled and off their list.

So far for us we have managed to try the following as we took both notes and pictures from day one and day two …

  • 7 Seas Brewing Cascadian Dark Ale
    Our Thoughts. It remains the same as it was when we first had it at Latona many months ago. Definitely one of the better renditions of the CDA-style.
  • Big Time Cherry Trombipulator Belgian-style Tripel
    Some might have classified this one a ‘chick drink’ but we felt that their was an attention to maintaining balance between the tart and tang of the cherry with the
  • Black Raven Kentucky (Possum Claus was MIA)
    Wow. More booze than beer, but definitely a welcome taste to forget about the weather.
  • Maritime Pacific Decompression Strong Ale
    Seattle Beer Week may have disappeared but this beer is still one we will be hoarding to enjoy in the months to come.
  • Naked City Yankee Drifter Blond Ale
    Some might have felt a beer like this would have been better appreciated in the warmth of the sun but we thought it fit right in with the ‘liquid sunshine’ that the day two provided.
  • Old School House Hooligan Stout
    To this day we are still having a hard time believing that the beers coming out of this brewery from the Methow Valley are from scratch. Keep brewing ‘off the cuff’ guys, its working for us.
  • Ram Restaurant and Brewery Coconut Porter
    If this is still on you have to try this. Believe or not they only make a small batch for occasions such as this.
  • Schooner EXACT Brave Horse Pale Ale
    Have to admit we enjoyed this beer.
  • Two Beers Trailhead India Session Ale
    In all seriousness we thought that this beer was a mistake (they switched them). But with owner and brewer Joel standing next to me and seeing my reaction he confirmed that this was indeed a 4.8 sipper. Get over to their section today if you haven’t had this yet.
  • Wingman Bourbon Barrel Porter
    Consider us curious since we have only heard of these guys.

    Ok, that’s enough from us (again). Get out there and if you see us we might even buy you a round.

  • Oh and in case you are wondering where all the pictures are from this event. We will be posting them shortly. Please check our Flickr page daily as we should be posting pictures soon.

    Our Flickr Page
