The Northwest Beer Guide

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Beer Review *Revisited: Boston Beer’s Sam Adams 26.2 Brew, Is A Should Try

image of Sam Adams 26.2 Brew Gose courtesy of our Flickr page So how did you celebrate Patriots Day in the Northwest?

Probably right about now you are asking yourself what Patriots Day and you wouldn’t be alone. Patriots Day as it is known in New England, is a day “… commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War.” (source Wikipedia).

But there are holidays like this throughout the United States. What makes this holiday so special? The answer is pretty simple, the Boston Marathon. 26.2 miles awaits those lucky enough to participate in one of the oldest metropolitan marathons in the United States. It doesn’t stop there though, as this is one of few marathons that leaves the city and travels through many towns in Massachusetts.

With that in mind, the brewers at Boston Beer came up with a unique draught-only beer. More precisely they elected to brew something unique for a brewery of their size, a Gose.

Suggested Style Guidelines by the Brewers Association

image of Sam Adams 26.2 Brew Gose, courtesy of our Flickr pageTraditional examples of Gose are spontaneously fermented, similarly to Belgian-style gueuze/lambic beers, and should exhibit complexity of acidic, flavor and aroma contributed by introduction of wild yeast and bacteria into the fermentation. A primary difference between Belgian Gueuze and German Gose is that Gose is served at a much younger age. Gose is typically pale gold to pale amber in color and typically contains malted barley, unmalted wheat with some traditional varieties containing oats. Hop character and malt flavors and aromas are negligible. Lemony or other citrus-like qualities are often present in aroma and on the palate. Some versions may have the spicy character of added coriander in aroma and on the palate at low to medium levels. Salt (table salt) character is also traditional in low amounts. Horsey, leathery, earthy aroma and flavors contributed by Brettanomyces yeasts may be evident but have a very low profile, as this beer is not excessively aged. Modern German Gose breweries typically introduce only pure beer yeast strains for fermentation. Low to medium lactic acid character is evident in all examples as sharp, refreshing sourness. Gose is typically enjoyed fresh, carbonated, and cloudy/hazy with yeast character, and may have evidence of continued fermentation activity. Overall complexity of flavors and aromas are sought while maintaining an ideal balance between acidity, yeast-enhanced spice and refreshment is ideal.

Brewery Description

Much like the elite group of remarkable athletes that take on the 26.2 miles of a marathon race, the Gose style is rare and exceptional, making the perfect beer to celebrate the Boston Marathon. With a history dating back to the year 700, Gose style ales have become scarcely available over the last century.

This unique brew is fitting for both runners and spectators on race day, with a lighter body and slightly lower alcohol level (4.5%) than many of the beers in the Samuel Adams roster.

Drinkers will enjoy light cereal notes from malted and unmalted wheat, rounded out by a spicy, pepper character and soft mineral quality from a touch of salt. The result is an unusual and delicate brew that’s full of flavors to discover and worth crossing the finish line for.

American and Australian hop varieties pack a pine, citrusy punch, while the subtle addition of apricots provides a slight sweetness to balance the bitterness of the hops.

image of Sam Adams 26.2 Brew Gose, courtesy of our Flickr page Our Thoughts
You Should Try It. With notes of coriander and lemon citrus, this beer will be  welcome refreshment for fans of Patriot Day or the Marathon. Should you be in the Boston area this week or the next, there might still be a keg kicking around.

Those not in Boston but looking for a regionally available option might consider Upright Gose or Cascade Winter / Spring Gose from Portland.

Draft poured, Boston 26.2 Brew appears a sunset orange produces a strong two inches of foamy egg-shell white head. Warming up in the sun this beer quickly loses its cap of white and leaves little behind in lacing.

Inhaling deep though the nostrils the spiced coriander appears the dominant characteristic with some support from notes of lemon citrus. Taking a strong sip the first thing that leaps out are elements of coriander, before a medium lemon citrus comes to mind. Overall Boston 26.2 Brew has a mild to medium weight to it, and there isn’t stickiness.

Thoughts by your Colleagues

In accordance with new FTC regulations regarding bloggers and endorsements, the aforementioned company has provided me a free sample that was used for research prior to writing this review.