The Northwest Beer Guide

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Event Preview *Pushpin: WA: 11/29 Beveridge Place Pub is pouring rare beers

image courtesy of +Russ's Flickr pageNovember 29th is coming soon.  For those that didn't bother to look at a calendar, that's not Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is on November 22nd!

History lesson over, we want you to think instead beyond 'Turkey Day' and instead focus on the Thursday next.

Already this event mention is rambling too long, so we will get to the point. Beveridge Place Pub is releasing some forgotten beers to those willing to drive out to the corner of Beveridge Place & California Avenue.

A long-held tradition of owners Garry & Terri, the rare draft day is a celebration of those beers that we have waited patiently for. A day when we find out if a beer that was great turns out to be awesome. Mind you beer is best enjoyed 'fresh' but you can't help us beer enthusiasts from wanting to see what a few months can do to an ale or lager.

If you're willing to make the trip then your reward will be ...

  • Airways Old Wooden Hag (Sky Hag Imperial IPA on oak)
  • Avery Kaiser '10 Imperial Oktoberfest
  • Ommegang Seduction (chocolate/cherry dark Belgian)
  • Southern Tier Gemini (imperial pale/imperial IPA blend)
  • Thornbridge Raven Black IPA (aged in whisky & pinot barrels)
  • Silver City Fat Woody Scotch Ale '10 (aged on oak)!

Thursday November 23rd, 2012 12:00 PM – ? (206) 932-9906
Beveridge Place Pub featuring rare draughts at the bar
6413 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98136

Then again you probably aren't curious to try any of the above. Either way, we will be there enjoying an Avery, Airways, or Silver City. See you there!


About the photo’s author

+Russ is a photo blogger and an avid beer drinker"