The Northwest Beer Guide

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Anniversary Preview: WA: 3/21 The Pine Box celebrates their first year.

image courtesy +Russ's Flickr pageIn the interest of being forthcoming and just plain honest this writer is a movie buff. Which translates to me asking if you saw the latest trailer, for this year's 'it' film. Those who know me would confirm this interest. Which is why I was excited when I heard that The Pine Box was moving into the old space once occupied by a funeral home.

Still not ringing a bell? Then you more than likely didn't hear about Bruce Lee's attendance at the hands of pall bearers, including Steve McQueen. Nor have you any idea that for almost a year co-owners Dean Hudgins, Mark Eskridge, and Ian Roberts were running a bar at the foot of Capitol Hill. If you think that the beginning of this story belongs in 2012 instead of 2013 you’d be correct. In fact you could easily utter the words "newsflash genius, Pine Box is open already." And I would nod agreeably.

Which is why I’m asking you to stop by Thursday March 21st, to celebrate their first year. As with any celebration associated with being a year older there will be alcohol involved and mostly associated with beer.

The beers? We won't list them all for fear you might suffer a case of 'meh'. What we can tell you is that beers like Firestone Walker Sucaba, Fremont Pine Box Anniversary Imperial Stout, Hair of the Dog Adam, Logsdon Oak Aged Bretta, New Belgium / Lost Abbey Mo Betta Bretta, Russian River Supplication, Schooner Exact No Sacc Sour, Stone Oak Smoked Old Guardian, Tilquin Geuze; just to name a few.

For a full list as well as a personal thanks from Ian, Dean, Mark, and the rest of the staff at The Pine Box, you will have to swing by this Thursday.

Thursday March 21st, 2013 3:00 PM – 2:00AM
The Pine Box celebrates year 1
1600 Melrose Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

image courtesy Suzi Pratt and her Flickr pageFor the misinformed, The Pine Box is located on Melrose Avenue near the heart of Seattle's Downtown. And if you’ve walked up and down Melrose Avenue and never seen it, you haven't looked hard enough. In fact you only need to stop at the corner of Pine Street & Melrose Avenue to discover one of Seattle's newest beer bars.

Featuring over 30 different beers, a plethora of spirits, and a modest bottle collection, one could almost mistake the place as a sort of satellite bar for Fremont's Brouwer's Cafe. And you’d be 99% off the mark unless you recognized co-owner Ian.

In fact Ian lists Brouwer’s Cafe on his resume as he served as General Manager prior to departing. Which is probably why The Pine Box has a strong focus on rinsing pre-washed glassware, promoting hard to find beer, and pushing the liquor to the side.

Don't believe me?

Just walk through the double doors of this former mortuary to discover an attentive lineup of beers from Washington, Oregon, California and abroad.

But what has set Ian, Mark, & Dean's bar apart from others is their Randall 'infuser'. With the intent on garnishing your beer or cider with an inferred fresh aroma, the Randall could be regarded as the mascot of The Pine Box.

Congrats to The Pine Box and here's to another successful year.


About the Suzi Pratt photo #2 author

Suzi Pratt is a freelance photographer in Seattle who specializes in taking event, restaurant, and concert photos for Eater Seattle and Getty Images. Although her Asian-ness won't let her consume more than a shot of soju at a time, she loves sampling local craft beers and is a particular fan of the beer selections at The Pine Box in Capitol Hill. When she's not in Seattle, Suzi can be found couch surfing and traveling around the world in search of her new favorite international beer (on the list: Belikin from Belize and Angkor from Cambodia).

About the 1st photo’s author

+Russ is a photo blogger and an avid beer drinker"