The Northwest Beer Guide

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Festival Preview: WA: 7/20 Tickets for the Summer Beer Taste, to benefit Phinney Neighborhood Association, are still available!

In the interest of being upfront, this writer lives in the city. No I don’t mean some town with a population of 60,000. I mean I live in a metropolitan city, population over 200,000. Like most cities, they are constructed of neighborhoods.

You know, neighborhoods? Neighborhoods with names like Wedgewood, Hollywood, Burnside, Pearl, Ballard, or SoDo. Neighborhoods where you generally know the person’s name who lives next to you. If you don’t then you’ve failed obeying one of the oldest, sociological, precepts, of neighborhood living.

Which is why I’m happy to recognize when a neighborhood is “making stuff happen”!

Started in 1980, the Phinney Neighborhood Association (PNA) is one of those neighborhoods that’s recognizing reminding people why it’s so special.

The Phinney Neighborhood Association (PNA) was founded in 1980, with a $200K federal block grant to develop programs to serve residents living between 65th and 75th Streets, from Aurora Avenue to 3rd Avenue NW. As time went on, many community members brought ideas and energy to the PNA, forming the basis for new activities and an expanded geographic scope. Members now live in many Seattle neighborhoods and join for a variety of reasons. Membership donations represent an important part of our budget, with additional funding coming from program fees, facilities rentals, special events, and grant support for human services.

So what’s this got to do with beer anyways?!

How about supporting a local organization whiles drinking some local beers? Did we mention it’s outdoors, in a parking lot?

Starting on Saturday July 20th, the Phinney Neighborhood Association is asking you to ‘donate’ $30 ($25 for PNA members) to enjoy 10 beers, from 20 local breweries, in the outdoors (weather permitting).

What breweries & beers you ask? Here’s the list, including the beers.

For tickets go here

Please don’t pass this event up. You’re supporting a worthy neighborhood in your state. Who knows, they might end up moving next to you some day.


*Oh yeah, we realized that Oskar Blues is from Longmont (Colorado). But I think we can let them slide since local rep. Erick is a former alum of Snoqualmie Falls Brewing.