The Northwest Beer Guide

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Industry News: WA: Eric and Lisa Rough welcome you to Tin Dog Brewing, in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood.

image sourced from Tin Dog Brewing's websiteEver since the economy went into the toilet, back in 2008, people around Washington have been looking for a way to make some extra cash. For those brave enough to put their house or other capitol in lieu of a loan there are opportunities in all things small business. But this writer has mostly been paying attention to the sheer number of small breweries propping up around the region. And when I speak of small I’m talking everything from literally a 1 barrel (or 2 kegs) brewhouse to something on the scale of 3 barrels (or 6 kegs) at a time.

Unofficially opened this past weekend (February 8th), Tin Dog is the newest nano-brewery, in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood. Owned by Eric and Lisa Rough, the brewery is focused on producing styles that are not consistently found in Seattle. In fact we think that you’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that brewer Eric Rough is fond of Belgian-style beers like White India Pale Ales, Wit India Pale Ales, and Dubbels. But like most immature breweries (e.g. breweries that have yet to consistently produce the same annual or seasonal beers) the list is subject to change.

But I believe you need to look back to February of last year when, after several months of searching, the couple settled into Suite A2 at 309 South Cloverdale Street. With paperwork and a goal of opening as soon as possible the Rough’s spent the next few months purchasing equipment, recovering their mandated bartending license (eg, Class 12), before finally receiving their Federal approval to brew brew beer (aka, Brewer’s Notice). With the brewery constructed, the walls painted, and a shiny vent installed, the brewery has been blessed by the city of Seattle.

Which is why we are advising everyone to head over to their grand opening this Saturday (February 15th) from 12pm to 6pm.
