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Industry News: The Esquire Network's BrewDogs, returns for more, June 25h at 9PM/8PMCentral

There's an old addage, "If you want something done right, do it yourself". This phrase, translated from French dramatist Charles-Guillaume Étienne, has been used throughout the decades to speak about frustration with other people's efforts. In fact it's been used to justify the production of great coffee, getting elected president, and even parenting. While the blueprint begins with 'improving' on an existing figment, the results often miss their goal.
Located in Scotland, brewers James Watt and Martin Dickie execute Étienne's words (although not inspired directly from them) by opening BrewDog in 2007, as an alternative to establishment breweries. 
Starting with 2 employees (Dickie + Watt + 1 dog), the duo initially sold their beer at markets and from "... out of the back of our beat up old van." Today both James and Martin are proud administrators of 53,500 Hectalitre / 44, 867 Barrel brewery, 13 BrewDog-founded beer bars, and a hit television show on NBC's Esquire Network.
BrewDog's Martin Dickie (left) & James Watt (right)
Like their brewery, James (Watt) and Martin (Dickie), started BrewDogs to buck the conventional approach of promoting beer. Started in 2013, the show was launched with the idea of converting non-beer drinkers, by visiting local bars, restaurants, and breweries; in the United States. Along the way the two bastarts brewed a special beer with the likes of Elysian (Seattle), Deschutes (Portland), and Stone (San Diego) and employing unconventional brewing techniques.
Resuming June 25th, viewers are encouraged to migrate to The Esquire Network, for Season 2 of BrewDogs.
But we weren't satisfied with watching season 2, so we contacted the two, to learn more about the show.
Taking a moment in between the next pint and whether he wants aisle or window, James Watt answered some questions regarding the show and life.

James Watt (Bottom Center) via Twitter
BrewDog's James Watt sitting amongst fans
Good ideas with bad results.
James (aka, the bald headed one), when reflecting on some of season 1, would tell you that eating the world's hottest chili (see, Episode 1: San Diego) was a bad idea, swimming naked in the Willamette (see, Episode 4: Portland) at Midnight sucked, waxing Martin's chest with teeth hurt, and Oyster Beer shooters aren't all their cracked up to be.
Determining the perfect place to enjoy a pint or bottle of beer
As to how they determine the best bar/alehouse/bottleshop, the best brewery/brewpub, or cook to pair beer with - it's often about the unique characteristics of the business. Reflecting on their own brewery, the two often choose ones that share their passion. Whereas bars and restaurants are often picked solely on James and Martin's personal experiences. As for the beer that's littered throughout each episode, this is more based on personal favorites.
Sometimes it's not about the beer.
Watt isn't one to shy away from the unrelated questions either. In fact when pressed and in rapid-fire succession he had this to say.

image acquired, via Twitter, from James Watt's BrewDog account.
'no caption needed. we just felt like it'
On social commentary related to breweries and beer styles, via forums like and
"I love both these sites. They are great resources to find out more about beers and to get really good insightful feedback on our own beers. I visit both daily."

On BrewDog food pairings,
"... Punk IPA with Haggis & Apricot Spring Roll with Chilli Jam."

Who would win in a fight, Star Trek or Star Wars?
"May the force be with you."

Which ocean has the better salmon, Pacific or Atlantic?
"Atlantic all the way."

When asked if he likes the other fizzy beverage, Coke & Pepsi. 

Bollocks or Bullshit?
"Never mind the Bollocks" *a Sex Pistols song reference

Lastly, if there was at least one thing he regrets, since he started the brewery, James reflects on the lack of time for fishing.

If the reviews, of BrewDogs, are any indication, James will be too busy to fish, for years to come.
BrewDogs is featured on Wednesdays at 9PM Eastern /8PM Central, on The Esquire Network.
Congratulations to James and cheers to both you and Martin.