The Northwest Beer Guide

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Delta's Four Winds Brewing promotes Nectarous and Juxtapose to cans.

Press Release

Well, we finally did it. For years people have been saying "you should put this in cans" and, while we wanted very much to be able to do that, at the time it was just not feasible. Times have changed and we have grown. We are now ready to release tall cans of Nectarous and Juxtapose into the world, just in time for the peak of summer.

Nectarous - In the pursuit of sour, complex acidity balanced by tropical fruit esters gives way to a clean, tart finish. Nectarous has won a plethora of awards including (but not limited to) a gold medal and "Beer of the Year" at the 2016 Canadian Brewing Awards. This beer will be around all year but is especially refreshing in the summer months.

Juxtapose - At the heart of this distinctive West Coast IPA stands the juxtaposition of ripe tropical fruit esters and wild yeast funk. Moderately bitter and gracefully balanced. Where pastures meet orchards. Juxtapose is the only beer of ours to be graced with not one, but two Silver World Beer Cup awards (2014 and 2018). It is a favourite among staff and those who frequent the brewery. Much like Nectarous, this beer is perfect any time of year but is especially good served chilled on a hot summer day.

Thumbnail. With permission by Four Winds Brewing Company