The Northwest Beer Guide

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Hellbent All Spruced Up Winter Ale

Available, on draft, November 7th, 2018 and in 16-ounce 4-packs November 12th.

The newest winter beer from Hellbent Brewing Company is All Spruced Up Winter Ale.  Brewed in the style of a traditional winter beer, it’s dark amber in color with brown hues yet has a mild malty richness.  The hops Citra, Chinook, and Cascade along with fresh Spruce tips add a citrus floral and “candy-like” aroma. As with most winter beers the alcohol content is high at 7.5%.

Malts: Pale, Dark Munich, Munich, Caramel 40L, Crystal 20, Special B, De-bittered Black

Hops: Citra, Chinook, Cascade

Other: Spruce Tips

7.5% ABV | 32 IBU