Situated downtown in Seattle's Pioneer Square neighborhood The Collins Pub since 2003 has become a recognized example of the "gastropub" experience. Owner Seth Howard a craft beer enthusiast in his own right features both local and national brands on a constantly rotating draft system. In the past he and Chef Erik Wood have hosted brewery dinners from such local breweries as Hair of the Dog and national breweries like Lost Abbey.

     This Thursday he will host another favorite and previous dinner sponsor hailing from Fort Collins, Colorado; none other than New Belgium Brewing. Details are coming in but the current line up of beers being offered during this event will include La Folie, the Elysian "colla-beer-ation" Trip I, Are we there yet Tripel IPA, as well as Mighty Arrow Pale Ale, as well as a vertical of Dark Kriek Sour Ale. Present at the event (around 4:00 PM PST) will be a representative from New Belgium with tickets for a raffle and to answer any questions you might have.


March 26th, 2009 4:00 PM PST
New Belgium Night The Collin’s Pub
526 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 623-1016

May 7th, Collins Pub Brewery dinner with Jamie Floyd and Ninkasi Brewery. Time TBD and more details to follow soon. Will likely inclue a "strange brew" offering from Ninkasi. At the Collins Pub

May 16th, Stone Beer Dinner and release of their Levitation Ale at the Collins Pub. More Details TBA

March 26th, 2009 7:00 PM PST
Northern Lights Night Beveridge Place Pub
6451 California Avenue S.W. Seattle, WA
(206) 932-9906