(NW) CORRECTION: Coming Soon ... Full Sail Black Gold Imperial Porter

Hood River, OR – A recent notification went out regarding the upcoming availability of Full Sail Bourbon Barrel-aged Porter. In the story we reported an associated naming convention based on the contents of the bottle / keg from the bourbon barrel. We phoned the head of Marketing at Full Sail for clarification and received this information.

This February, Full Sail releases the Top Sail Bourbon Barrel-aged Imperial Porter, which is their Imperial Porter from last year aged in Bourbon-soaked oak barrels. The name Top Sail is given to their Imperial Porter after it has aged in Bourbon-soaked oak barrels. Look for next year for the release their Imperial Stout retrieved from Bourbon-soaked oak barrels as Black Gold Bourbon Barrel-aged Imperial Stout. As with the Top Sail the name Black Gold is given since the beer was aged in those previously mentioned oak barrels.

Cheers and apologies, for the possible confusion we might have caused.