(WA) Belgian Beer Me, Beveridge Place Pub 2/21 & 4/11, 7PM

image of Stu Stuart courtesy of our Flickr page

Seattle, WA - Stu Stuart, is a name that for those that enjoy a good belgian-style or belgian beer, has heard of. Chances are you bumped into this traveling professor at Belgianfest, or if you spent time at Beveridge Place and saw him speaking to a group of people.

Called “Belgian Beer Me!”, Stu hosts a course on all things related to Belgian beers. From the history of the styles, to the food that pairs best, this is a class that if fun and informative. Please join Stu this coming Sunday as well as the 11th of April, as he takes you on a journey through beers of Belgium.




image courtesy of Stu Stuart & Belgian Beer MeBelgian Beer Appreciation Classes at Beveridge Place Pub in Seattle, Feb. 21 & April 11, 7 p.m.  This next class features great beers and the Belgian cuisine a la biér of Chef Jim Ladd of Heartland Culinary Solutions:Bite-size smoked baby back ribs with a dubbel BBQ glaze; braised smoked pork shoulder in a strong golden ale with dollar rolls for sandwiches and mini chocolate brownies with Chocolate Belgian tripel icing!  $55. –source, Stu Stuart from Belgian Beer Me

For more information about Belgian Beer Me please visit the website, here.

February 21st, 2010
Belgian Beer Me!, Beveridge Place Pub
6413 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98136 (206) 932-9906

April 11th, 2010
Belgian Beer Me!, Beveridge Place Pub
6413 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98136 (206) 932-9906


About the photos’ author
Paul “Fruit Trees” Orchard, is an amateur craft beer enthusiast and amateur photographer. Throughout the many years in craft beer he is always carrying a camera (smartphone, digital, traditional) and is invites you to see that beer can also be exciting even if you can’t drink the photo.