image of Ninkasi's Spring Reign bottle label courtesy of our Flickr page Pacific Northwest – Admittedly we are now in the part of the year that we commonly allude to as Spring. Spring to the craft beer enthusiast both psychologically and mathematically is often synonymous with light colored ales and lagers with equally light in alcohol characteristics. Spring is also a time for Ninkasi Spring Reign, now in its second year of bottling and production.

Ninkasi Sring Reign Ale is another in a series of beers that don’t really fit a style classification. The beer has been rated on some sites (BeerAdvocate, Ratebeer, etc.) as a Blonde Ale, but to those that know anything about the style this would surely fail if judged on assumption. Instead we prefer to look at this as more resembling an American Pale Ale than anything else. Popping the cap off we delve into the beers characteristics.

Spring Reign when reviewed through the glass produces a light to medium amber clarity, that when the suns shines through produces an almost dusk like effect. As the beer pours its way into the glass a strong initial white foamy head is produced, that over a short period recedes, leaving behind small island of lace within the glass.


As the beer is swirled under the nose an aroma of pine and bread-like biscuit malt balances out the flavor produced.

Sipping on the beer a presence of pine, and some spiciness, welcomes you before the previously mentioned biscuit like malt cleanses your palette. Overall this beer produces a medium body that would go well with a ham sandwich or a chef salad. A definite must try ‘session’ beer when compared to the other Northwest ‘session’ beers.

Note, since this beer was released on March 1st you only have a couple more months before this beer is taken off the shelf. As always if you can’t find it at your local grocer, bottleshop, or alehouse, ask for it.

Overall 7.5 / 10 (3.75 / 5.0) B

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About Ninkasi Spring Reign Ale

Spring forward with this refreshing seasonal ale. Notes of toasted malt up front, finished with a bright and refreshing Northwest hop aroma, it’s a session beer that everyone can enjoy!

6% alc./vol. 38 ibus.

About Ninkasi Brewing

Ninkasi Brewing began its history on June 15th, 2006 when Jamie Floyd and Nikos Ridge spent 17 hours brewing their first batch of Total Domination IPA in leased space inside a German restaurant in Springfield, Oregon. Once a brewery, the building was equipped with a 15 barrel brew house set up for brewpub brewing.

Within the next few months Ninkasi maximized its first home as they pushed their maximum annual output of 1600 barrels. Meanwhile, the two worked with the City of Eugene, the SBA, Liberty Bank and some investors to purchase their current location in the heart of the Historic Whiteaker neighborhood in Eugene. Over time, Ninkasi transformed the old plumbing company's building into the modern production brewery it is today.
