(WA) Phinney Neighborhood Association presents The Summer Beer Roundup, July 10th at 4 – 7:30 PM


Seattle, WA – Well you asked for it Seattle, weeks spent deciding between hoody or no hoody are behind you.

Welcome to Summer, extreme Northwest Edition. With the prospects of this week featuring over 80+ degrees (even 90’s), now might be a good time to consider cracking open a cold one while standing out in public. No we aren’t advocating you leave your house and start walking the sidewalks with a stein in your hand, but you can come close on July 10th.

Located in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood, the Phinney Neighborhood Association has for several years, hosted beer festivals sometimes indoors and sometimes out. Chances are you have heard of the Winter Beer Festival, but the Summer Edition seems to suffer a naming issue.

About the Phinney Neighborhood Association

The Phinney Neighborhood Association is a non-profit community organization founded in 1980 by Phinney neighbors to build community. The PNA provides and promotes programs, services and activities aimed at encouraging connections between neighbors and fostering civic involvement in our diverse community.
Headquartered in a restored elementary school building, the PNA has developed an active community center that not only serves as a focus of Seattle's Phinney/Greenwood neighborhood, but offers a wide variety of programs and activities open to anyone in the Puget Sound region.

Currently, there will be over 19 breweries and even cider for those less inclined to the vine.

The Beers, with thanks to the Organizers of the PNA Summer Roundup.


  • Bohemian Pilsner
  • Hefeweizen


  • Pils
  • Three Skulls Orange Wit
    ”comes at you with a nose of citrus infused spicy fresh bread. A cloudy orange-gold hue supports a fluffy white head that sticks around all night. Its flavor is dominated by a huge blend of different orange zests and hand-crushed whole coriander. A great summer brew that is surprisingly easy to drink for all its flavor.”-source, Three Skulls & Baron Brewing

Big Al

  • Passive Aggressive Ale
    ”is a “Hoppy American Wheat Ale,” a light session beer that is sneaky in bringing you over to the hoppy side with a boatload of Amarillo and Sorachi Ace hops. There were 5 hop additions total. The bitterness is low, but the hop flavor and aroma really shine. This should appeal to hop-heads and wheat beer drinkers alike.” –source, Big Al Brewing
  • Big Al Tripel

Diamond Knot

  • Summer Blonde Ale


  • Loser Pale Ale

Fish Tale

  • Organic IPA                           
  • Organic Bonde Ale


  • Universale Pale Ale
  • Interurban IPA
  • Summer Solstice
    ”Is tangerine flower in a glass, endless days distilled into nectar of barley and hops. One grain, one
    hop. simplicity ...yet, so much more. ABV 5.2% IBUs 40” –source, Fremont Brewing


  • Manny’s Pale Ale
  • Lucille IPA
    ”Is named after a Georgetown brewing rake nicknamed Lucille. It is a balanced IPA that is hop forward and floral with a lingering bitterness. Centennial, Amarillo, and Cascade hops imbue this IPA with floral aromatics and malty sweetness. It has an aroma of freshly roasted and brewed malt along with an incredible fruity, pineapple-scented hoppiness.”-source, Georgetown Brewing


  • Kolsch
  • Supergoose IPA


  • Rajah’s Royal IPA
    ”is an imperial IPA hopped in the mash, and double dry hopped.” –source, Harmon Brewing
  • Scott’s Puget Creek Vanilla Porter
    ”is Harmon’s flagship brown porter aged with whole vanilla beans.”–source, Harmon Brewing


  • Hopnosis IPA 
    “Is copper-colored with a hoppy, citrusy aroma. This Pacific NW-style IPA is brewed with hops grown from WA & OR has big hop flavor with a medium body that finishes with a trailing citrusy
  • Hopnosis Dry-hopped IPA
    ”Is a dry-hopped version of Hopnosis IPA that utilizes additional Centennial hops introduced during the post primary fermentation/conditioning stage to create a slightly more floral and bitter ale.”

Kevin Klein [Homebrewer]

  • Kyes Kolsch *homebrewer
    ”is a typical light, and somewhat fruity German style Ale.”
  • Vesper Bitter
    ”is a refreshing summer, light English style”

Lazy Boy

  • NW Hefeweizen                       
  • Lazy Boy Pale Ale
    ”Is another new offering from us! Pale ale with plenty of hops. Chinook, Cascade, and Citra all take a stand fighting for supremacy. Which one prevails? You be the judge!”


  • Boulder Bend Dunkelweizen

Maritime Pacific

  • Triple Dry Hopped Islander Pale
  • Special Dry Hopped Portage Bay Pilsner

Naked City

  • Hoptrocity Rye IPA
    ”Is brewed with 25% rye malt which lends a spiciness that accentuates the intense Centennial, Cascade, and Amarillo hop profile, while additional malts provide the perfect balance of sweetness. Enjoy!” –source, Naked City Brewing
  • Yankee Drifter Summer Ale
    ”Yankee Drifter Summer Ale is a light ale brewed with pilsner and honey malts and German Tettnanger hops. A refreshing change of pace!” –source, Naked City Brewing


  • Odin’s Gift                           
  • Freya’s Gold Spiced Kolsch Ale
  • Thor’s Intrigue
    ”Thor’s Intrigue is an incredibly complex sour stout, black as night with yohimbe. It is creamy and rich with multiple layers of flavors and aromas. The aroma is a deep, rich, roasted malt and berries with an intense, complex raspberry top note, a coffee and dark chocolate middle with a slight nutty, creaminess. The chocolate coffee notes carry through to the finish with a medium bitterness.” –source, Odin Brewing


  • Pike Dry Wit
    ”Is a seasonal Belgian-style white ale, turbid and spun-gold with excellent head retention. It is brewed with a top-fermenting Belgian yeast, hopped with Yakima valley perle, nugget and liberty hops, and flavored with Curacao, orange peel, chamomile, lavender, and coriander seeds. This yields a dry, crisp beer with a honey-like aroma, fruity taste, and clean finish.” –source, Pike Brewing

The Ram “Northgate”

  • ”Sunburst” Cream Ale
    ”"Sunburst" Cream Ale is a subtle and refreshing balance of lightly kilned malts and English and
    American hops” –source, The Ram Restaurant and Brewery “Northgate”

Schooner Exact

  • Gateway Golden Ale
    ”Golden Ale is a light, refreshingly crisp beer which retains all the flavor one comes to expect from microbrew. Brewed with a combination of lightly roasted malts and just enough hops to balance out the malt while providing a beautiful aroma on the nose.” –source, Schooner Exact Brewing
  • Double Dry-hopped 3-Grid IPA


  • Summer Beer
  • Wildcat IPA

Spire Mountain

  • Pear Cider

Trade Route

  • Mango Weizen
  • Midnight Ale
    ”Is a dark beer so smooth even light beer drinkers will become fans. Crystal, honey and chocolate malts combine into an exquisite nutty flavor reminiscent of British Nut brown ales.” –source, Trade Route Brewing

Two Beers

  • Orange and Grapefruit Dry Peeled Crooked Belgian Wit Ale
    ”Orange and Grapefruit Dry Peeled Crooked Belgium Wit is a summer special. Orange and grapefruit peel are thrown into the keg of Crooked Belgian Wit to give this beer a citrus taste that is perfect for a summer day.” –source, Two Beers

For more information please visit the PNA Summer Beer Roundup site or if you are feeling brave, show up at the door.

July 10th, 2010 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM $25 (PNA Member) & $30 (non-PNA Member)
PNA Summer Beer Roundup
6532 Phinney Avenue North Seattle, WA 98103
