Editorial: Out of the Office, Still. LIVE from Scottsdale, AZ

Just letting those who regularly subscribe to the site, that we are still on holiday leave, till Wednesday. We have much to talk about, and look forward to reporting on the upcoming beers for Brouwer’s Cafe Big Wood Festival, Portland’s Holiday Ale Festival, and the Winter Fest’ at Hale’s Palladium.

To those who think that we are blessed to be sitting in sunny (assumedly warm) Scottsdale, take comfort in knowing that its been in the low 60s and high 50s during the day and as cold as 32 in the evening. But as a wonderful happenstance, we have been able to sample Bell’s Brewery beers (like Hell Hath No Fury ... Ale, Christmas Ale, and of course Two Hearted, Oberon Ale, and Kalamazoo Stout), Ballast Point (looking forward to trying out Victory at Sea Imperial Porter).

Otherwise, there are some decent breweries around here, from Four Peaks’ two locations (Tempe & Scottsdale), Sun Up (Phoenix), and Sleepy Dog, we will be discussing these places for sure.

Finally, we wanted to offer up a belated Happy Thanksgiving to those out there and wish you the happiest of Holidays.

Talk to you soon!


The Northwest Beer Guide