image of Bifrost Winter Ale courtesy of our Flickr pageChristmas is fast upon us and soon we will be knee deep in presents, maxed out credit cards, and holiday cheer. With this time of the year comes the escape from not just the holiday carolers, or charity bell ringers, but also that ringing in ears; as your blood pressure rises. It’s stress such as this that people seek the escape in their vices. If you are reading this then more than likely yours is a welcoming pint of an ale or lager.

For us, it’s the welcome old friend that makes his appearance around this time of the year (sometimes earlier). We speak of Elysian’s BiFrost Winter Ale. Much like other India Pale Ales, released around this time, there is always something festive in the nose and sip as we slowly empty our glass.

Those that are curious should know that Elysian Bifrost, is a dark gold but clear Winter Ale that pours with an initially off-white (like slightly dirty snow) foamy head. As the beer in consumed a jagged, curtain, of lace is left inside the glass.

image of Bifrost Winter Ale courtesy of our Flickr pageWaving the glass around we pick up bits of pineapple citrus, minor spice, and some caramel malt sweetness.

With the first sip we pick up initial bitter hints of earth (green grass) followed up with biscuit (bread) & roasted malt notes, before finishing with elements of lemon citrus and dry spice bitterness. Overall Bifrost feels almost light in regards to weight on the tongue but as the beer rests in bottom of our stomach there is a warmth about it.

Brewery Description

Bold and Lively Winter Ale

Winter ale

Medium to Sturdy

Pours golden with orange highlights. Smells alluringly sweet like caramel apples with a little spice and orange zest. Taste is bold and balanced with a good amount of citrus and earthy hop bitters to offset the bready, sweet malt character. Finishes dry with a bit of fruit.

Pale with small amounts of Munich and Crystal

Bittered with Centennial, finished with Amarillo and Styrian Golding

ABV: 7.5%

IBU: 55

Winter Seasonal — 1/2 Bbl kegs, 22oz bottles

image of Bifrost Winter Ale courtesy of our Flickr pageOur Thoughts
You Should Try this.
The weather calls for something that gives the feeling of warmth and reminds one of apple cider and cinnamon. Much like Abominable (from Hopworks Urban Brewery) this beer feels like a Winter India Pale and less like your traditional English-style Winter Ale. If you're feeling festive you might try this beer with some spiced ham, mash potatoes, with some dinner rolls.

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In accordance with new FTC regulations regarding bloggers and endorsements, the aforementioned company has not provided me a free sample was used for research, prior to writing this review. The following sample was purchased at Qualify Food Centers on 11100 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle, WA 98125.