image courtesy of our Flickr page Of all the beer styles out there no other category has been appreciated more than the Imperial Stout. From Deschutes The Abyss to Three Floyds Dark Lord, it's a safe bet you will find an Imp. Stout resting in someone’s top 10 list. With that thought this writer visited The Beer Authority in Seattle's Lake City Way neighborhood, to pick up a bottle of Laughing Dog Brewing's Dogfather and this is what we discovered.

Located in Ponderay, Idaho; this brewery has been representing Idaho’s brewing interests in the Northwest since 2005. Sure there are other notable breweries in and around the area, but Laughing Dog was one of the most recent to circulate their Cream Ale, Pale Ale, and Devil Dog; during a time when Idaho seemed relatively silent. Today there are other breweries from our friends to the East, but it’s Laughing Dog that to us remains notable.

Dogfather, much like the rest of their seasonal releases, are the breweries’ spin on a familiar beer style. This time the brewers elected to produce an Imperial Stout. And we would be nothing if predictable, if we didn’t at least try it.

Brewers Association suggested guidelines for an Imperial Stout

Black in color. American-style imperial stouts typically have a high alcohol content. Generally characterized as very robust. The extremely rich malty flavor and aroma are balanced with assertive hopping and fruity-ester characteristics. Bitterness should be moderately high to very high and balanced with full sweet malt character . Roasted malt astringency and bitterness can be moderately perceived but should not overwhelm the overall character. Hop aroma is usually moderately-high to overwhelmingly hop-floral, -citrus or -herbal. Diacetyl (butterscotch) levels should be absent

Brewery Description

“I've got a brew You Cant Refuse”
The Dogfather is one of the biggest brews we have made.
Weighing in at a hefty 11% percent, the Dogfather has 7 malts and 4 different hops giving it a complex flavor profile.

Over 11 months in the making some of the Dogfather is bourbon barrel aged.

This is a very limited release for the first of November, Get it before it’s gone!

But trust us, it will be back next year.

Stats for the Dogfather
11% ABV 71 IBU’s
7 different Malts 4 hops

image courtesy of our Flickr page From the beginning Dogfather pours dark as night without allowing a shred of light to pass through. Resting on top is a strong dark mocha-colored foamy head. Unfortunately the cap doesn't last that long as it quickly fades, leaving small fragments of lace behind.

Placing the glass under my nose I pick up notes of burnt caramel, molasses, along with medium phenolic (burnt plastic).

The first sip starts out sharp with burnt caramel before finishing bitter with a medium alcohol burn. Overall Laughing Dog Dogfather produces a medium weight and there is almost not lingering stickiness.

Our Thoughts
You Should Try It. Although light in body this is still a fairly enjoyable Imperial Stout. Thoughts at the grocery store range from grilled meats to some sharp like Blue Cheese or Cheddar If you are passing the bakery we would advise some chocolate cake or cake donuts.

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