Beer Release: NW: Get It Now ... MacTarnahan's Full Bloom Lager

image courtesy of the brewery With Summer in full vigor now would be a good time to mention another in a series of suggested so-called 'light-lagers' to pick up. This time around the folks who give us Grifter India Pale Ale, Sling Shot Pale Ale, and Lip Stinger are releasing of all things, a Lager. Introducing Full Bloom Craft Lager.

Here is what Portland Brewing had to say about their latest creation in the MacTarnahan Brewing series.

MacTarnahan's Brewing Company, brewer of Portland's original Amber Ale is thrilled to unveil Full Bloom Craft Lager as the newest brew in the 2011 portfolio of distinct, bold and original offerings.

Taking a notably Northwest spin on a Bohemian Pilsner, Full Bloom is a bountiful craft lager that blossom with a refreshing aroma and a gloriously smooth bit. Perfect for a warm summer day, Full Bloom delivers as a bigger and better craft lager.

"Full Bloom is a beer with Bohemian heritage that has put down roots in the Northwest, " said Vailios Geletso, Head Brewer for MacTarnahan's Brewing Company. "We use Domest Pilsner and specialty malts, spice Northwest-grown Czech-style Noble hops and an authentic lager yeast to create a golden, delicate and lively Cascadian interpretation of a European classic. It has a full, floral pallet and a body with a crisp finish."

As the newest offering in the series of specialty Big Bottle beers from MacTarnahan's, Full Bloom rises to the occasion after the successful releases of Spin Tingler Belgian-style triple, Ink Blot Baltic Porter and Goose Bump Imperial Stout with coffee. All beers in this series are available in 22oz bottles and limited draft with a unique production yielding less than 1,000 cases per offering.

Beer Geek Information

Malt: Pilsner, Carapils
Hops: Nugget, Mt. Hood, Sterling
IBU: 35
ABV: 6.3%

As always look for this on the shelf wherever you find Portland Amber Ale or Pyramid Ales. And if you don’t see a case or bottle of this on the shelf, ask your grocer to buy some! Side note: This beer despite having just been mentioned has been available since June and will be guaranteed available till August. So don’t wait too long.
