Event Preview: OR: Black Friday oasis at Green Dragon, 11/25

image sourced from The Green Dragon Pub

Portland, OR - Black Friday. I remember a time when one could wake up at 6 AM, stumble in for coffee and donuts, and then buy a few price-reduced items.

Today all that is out the window. Want coffee and donuts? Go to a Starbucks or nearby ‘mom & pop’ operation. Want to save money this holiday season? Don’t go to sleep on Thanksgiving and camp outside the nearest ‘brick and mortar’ store.

But just in case you are one of more laid back types, Green Dragon is offering a temporary way-station from all that Holiday-inspired shopping. Starting at 11 AM (not 12, 1, or 4 AM) Green Dragon off Burnside is celebrating Black Friday with you guessed it, Black-themed beers.

  • Lucky Lab Black Sheep Black IPA
  • Boneyard Armored Fist Imperial
  • Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous
  • Natian “Falconer’s Flight”
  • Terminal Gravity
  • Uinta Duhbe Imperial Black IPA
  • Big Time Back in Black
  • Portland U-Brew Black IPA
  • Laurelwood Black IPA
  • Green Dragon Black Hop Sun
  • 21st Amendment Back in Black
  • Victory Yakima Glory Imperial

Friday November 25th, 2011 11AM – ? (503) 517-0660
928 Southeast 9th Avenue, Portland, OR
