Event Planner: WA: Elliott Bay (West Seattle) hosts Imperial Stout vertical night, 1/25

image sourced from Elliott Bay Brewing's website Something occurred to us as we tried to recover our thoughts from ‘Snowmageddon’, West Seattle’s Elliott Bay Brewing is hosting a vertical night.

The days may finally be getting longer, but it is still that time of year where darkness rules Seattle.  So in honor of that, Elliott Bay Brewery and Pub presents an Ode to Darkness.  We have broken into our deep, dark cellar and pulled out a couple kegs from years past of our Imperial Stout.  We will be serving a sample tray of three versions of our Imperial Stout: '11, '10, and '10 aged in a bourbon barrel.  These samples will be complemented by candied walnuts and chocolate covered cherries, all for $8.00.  The event starts at 4pm on Wednesday, Jan 25th, with a meet the brewers session starting at 5pm.

Brewery Description of 2011 Elliott Bay Imperial Stout

Imperial Stouts were originally brewed for exportation from England to the Imperial Court of Russia. To survive the long transportation in the days before refrigeration the beer was strong. Elliott Bay's Imperial Stout was brewed to a high alcohol content (9+%) but kept a drier finish, yielding strong coffee and chocolate flavors and aromas, a silky texture from the use of oats, and a dry, coffee-like bitter finish. Significant amounts of hops were used to balance out the sweetness.

Brewery Description of 2010 Elliott Bay Imperial Stout

So what does age do to a beer? Hop oils breakdown, leaving a less bitter finish; Yeast continues to do its work, fermenting sugar into a little more alcohol; Probably most importantly, oxidation occurs and time mellows the edges from all that alcohol and hops, so the beer is smooth and well-rounded, showing more of the chocolate and coffee and less alcohol and bitterness.

Brewery Description of 2010 Elliott Bay Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout

Put an aged beer in a used bourbon barrel from the Heaven Hill Distillery and you get all the benefits of aging beer, plus the flavors and aromas developed during the whiskey's time in the barrel. Vanilla, chocolate truffle, and oak flavors emerge, creating a wholly different experience: the smoothness and rich flavors of a well aged whiskey, without the alcohol bite...the best of the beer and whiskey worlds.

Wednesday January 24th, 2011 5:00 PM to ? (206) 932-8695
Elliott Bay Brewing ‘West Seattle’ presents an Imperial Stout Vertical Night
4720 California Avenue Southwest  Seattle, WA 98116

About Elliott Bay Brewing

Elliott Bay Brewing Co. is a family owned company of high quality neighborhood brewpubs in communities throughout the Seattle area.  Owners Todd Carden and Brent Norton met in 1994 while working for the iconic Maritime Pacific Brewing Co. They forged a friendship and explored their common goal and dream of owning and operating their own brewpub. They also met Head Brewer Doug Hindman at Maritime Pacific.

Todd and Brent incorporated the company in November of 1996.   In March 1997 they signed their first lease and began construction of a brewpub in the historic “Junction” of West Seattle.  They opened for business on July 11, 1997.  Doug joined the ranks in September of 1997 and has been Head Brewer ever since.

Over the past thirteen years in West Seattle, Elliott Bay Brewery & Pub has been a leader in sustainability, philanthropic support, and instumental in creating an amazing sense of community in the neighborhoods which it serves.  Elliott Bay Brewhouse and Pub, the companyís second brewpub, opened in Burien in March of 2007.  The Burien Brewhouse, like its West Seattle sibling, supports a progressive company culture and socially responsible business practices.
