Charity (Op-Ed): NW: Angelo "BREWPublic" De Ieso needs $200,000 of our help to pay for medical bills

Let this writer be the first to tell you that I’m not making a living as a beer writer. In fact I’ve been told by many people that my 'style' of writing should include a return to college, to learn about "writing". Then there is the matter of inconsistency regarding when my 'stories' are posted. But like I said, I'm not making a living as a beer writer.

Then again neither does a bartender, a pastry chef, or a brewer. In fact many blue collar jobs are performed not for the money but because we love to do it.

image sourced from's Flickr page

Like myself and many others out there, Angelo is a craft beer advocate. For him it started in New England's state of Maine before he moved out to the West Coast. From there, and a few odd jobs later, Angelo would contribute to craft beer awareness as a beer tender at Belmont Station.

Eventually Angelo wanted to do more than just tell people what they should buy from the ‘Station. So he started BREWPublic (with Aaron Miles) with a goal of educating the Northwest on what "good beer" really was. Now in it's 5th year, BREWPublic has surpassed it's goal of providing "you with current brewing news, events, and culture, like no other resource in the Pacific Northwest. Brewpublic is more that just beer, it is a community who shares a collective passion for all that brewing  encompasses."

Today the website is staffed with eager writers and has been recognized by such publications as CNN and Travel Oregon.

But despite all the ads you see on the website, it still doesn't pay to be a beer writer.

This is never more obvious when Angelo, in early September, had a benign tumor removed from his brain. 10 staples, a couple of weeks in the hospital, and a few dozen visits from friends later; Angelo has been discharged. Shortly after he would receive his bill for the amount he owed, over $200,000.

"Why didn't his insurance pick up some of the bill?" The answer is simple - he has none. Being a writer also means you don't have health insurance.

Which is why I'm finally getting to the point. Angelo needs our help, as in over $200,000.

"After suffering from a few grand mal seizures and having to go to the neuro hospital with no health insurance, I've decided to reach out for help. I really don't know what else to..."

Simply visit his crowd sourced page on Fundly and donate $10 (or more) to help him pay off his doctor bills.

Help Anglo here,

If you can't donate via the website then we advise you to reach out to Anglo via BREWPublic and tell him how you want to help.

Cheers Anglo. Get Well, Go Sox, and all the best.

About the photo’s author
"Matt Wiater is a photographer covering the Portland beer scene for"