Brewery News: The Esquire Network's Brew Dogs renewed for a 2nd season. 10 breweries sought for 10 different episodes.

image sourced from the Esquire Network's Brew DogsToday Martin Dickie and James Watt, commonly known as the face of BrewDog plc, have announced the renewal of the Brew Dogs television show.

It's official, following the massive success of James & Martin's TV show BrewDogs, BrewDogs Season 2 will be coming to a screen near you very soon! Well, that is if you live in the USA. But never fear, international craft beer fans, for we have a few tricks up our hop-stained sleeves this year, which will hopefully mean you guys can see more of the BrewDogs action than last year.

Confirmed (via their blog) James and Martin announced season 2 will consist of 10 breweries, compared to 7 breweries visited in season 1. Currently the boys are mum on what breweries are up for consideration, but that doesn't mean they can't be persuaded via their website's comments section.

So if you think you know what brewery is most deserving of a little fame then click on the link.


About BrewDog plc

We decided the best way to fix this undesirable predicament was to brew our own beers. Consequently in April 2007 BrewDog was born.

Both only 24 at the time, we leased a building, got some scary bank loans, spent all our money on stainless steel and started making some hardcore craft beers.
We brewed tiny batches, filled bottles by hand and sold our beers at local markets and out of the back of our beat up old van.

Our biggest mission when we set up BrewDog was to make other people as passionate about great craft beer as we are. And that is still our biggest mission today.

About Brewdogs hosted on the Esquire Network

James Watt and Martin Dickie, owners of the UK’s fastest-growing brewery, travel across America visiting different American beer towns, celebrating distinctive craft beers and creating their own locally-inspired drafts.