Press Release
Snoqualmie Falls Brewing is proud to announce its current Special Release beer: Bunghole.

Co-owner Dave Eiffert explains: “First off, get your mind out of the gutter! Way back when, after being filled, kegs were sealed with “bungs”, hence the term ‘bunghole’. The label features a picture of a bung, bunghole reamer, and wooden keg with the proverbial bung. Bunghole is a Double Brown Ale with plenty of attitude, just like our friend and regular customer ‘Bubba’. He’s not bashful or quiet and goes for the gusto whenever he can. This full bodied hugely malty Double Brown is just the kind of ale for the Bubba in you!”

Bunghole clocks in at 36 IBU and 7.7 ABV.
Bunghole’s big maltiness and low IBUs make it a great alternative for Strong Ale lovers who need a break from hop overload. Lacking any aromatic hops, it gives a slight hop flavor at first sip, that quickly gives way to silky chocolate, molasses and brown bread flavors, perfect for our cold, damp winters. It pairs excellently with the hearty soups and stews of winter and crème brulee.

According to Dave, the whole idea came up after Snoqualmie’s first Special Release, Baphomet. Its label featured the 15th card of the Tarot deck in honor of the brewery’s 15th anniversary. Because the label featured an all-but-naked female torso with a goat’s head, he told the others at Snoqualmie that the feds would never approve the label. But, they did! The next step was then to find out just how low they could go, and Bunghole, with its brewing roots seemed a natural. Dave says “So before we even clocked one minute for the graphic designer, I called the feds to explore the possibility. The voice on the other end said I don’t think that will be a problem’, so we ran with it.”

Bunghole’s only around from January 1 through April 30th - 4 months- so get some while you can. Enjoy this great double brown ale.

Bunghole is brewed from Pale Two-row, C-75, Chocolate, Aromatic and Dark Munich malts, and bittered with Fuggle hops for pleasant wood and fruit tones.