Brewery News: WA: Seattle: Pike Brewing hosts fundraiser for Spinnaker Bay Brewing co-owner Janet Spindler, March 12th

Press Release

Fundraiser for Janet Spindler
March 12th 5:00-9:00 at The Pike Brewing Company 
This January Janet Spindler, co-owner of Spinnaker Bay Brewing, Washington state’s only 100% women owned and founded brewery, was diagnosed with stage ii Non Hodgkin's lymphoma.
The beer community is coming together to support Janet and Spinnaker Bay Brewing through this difficult time. The Pike Brewing Company will be hosting a fundraiser for Janet Spindler on March 12th from 5:00-9:00 pm.The Pike Brewing Company has been long time supporters of Spinnaker Bay Brewing and we are grateful for their generosity in hosting this important event for us. The fundraiser will be held in their brewery area below the restaurant.  

$5.00 suggested entry donation.

Live Music. Sid Law 5:00-6:00, The Cool Kids, 6:00-7:00, Stardrums & Lady Keys 7:00-8:00 and The New Rhythmatics 8:00-9:00.

Silent Auction:
Generous contributions from community members including: Stoup Brewing, Populuxe Brewing, Reuben's Brews, Tin Dog Brewing, Orlison Brewing Co, Elysian Brewing Company, Two Beers Brewing Co, Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery, Central Pizza, Schilling Cider and many more to come. 
Tasty malted beverages will be available for purchase throughout the night from The Pike Brewing Company and Spinnaker Bay Brewing. 
100% of beer proceeds will be donated to Janet and we encourage guests to “buy a beer for Janet”, by paying double for their beers and donating extra.

We will be providing light snacks and appetizers. You are more than welcome to stop in upstairs at the restaurant area of The Pike Brewing Company for dinner.

The silent auction will close at 8:00 pm so make sure you are there to place your bids!

We will be holding a drawing of a very special donation. Stay tuned for more details. 

We are still looking for silent auction items! If you and/or your business would like to donate to the silent auction please contact Colleen Ames at

We are also looking for volunteers to help out the night of the event. If interested please contact Colleen. 

So far Janet’s prognosis is positive. The good news is her cancer grows and divides quickly, which is favorable because that is what chemotherapy works best against. As of now the treatment plan is six rounds of chemotherapy three weeks apart. She will have to receive radiation but it is unclear how much at this moment.

She recently had her second treatment on Feb. 12th. This treatment went better than the first for Janet and, while her hair isn’t doing so well, her spirits are high.

She has been blown away by the amount of support that the community has already given her. However this support can’t stop yet! Medical bills are starting to roll in and the overall expenses associated with battling cancer are growing. Janet has taken a significant step back from working at the brewery in order to put all her energy into getting healthy. Therefore operating costs at the brewery have increased. Janet and the Spinnaker Bay Brewing family need your help.

  Please join us March 12th at The Pike Brewing Company from 5:00-9:00.

If you are unable to attend the fundraiser there are still ways you can help. Check out the Gofundme page:
Help spread the word about Spinnaker Bay Brewing. Don’t see us on tap at your favorite bar or restaurant? Ask their staff if they have heard of us and recommend that they serve our beer!
Spinnaker Bay Brewing is Janet’s baby, her passion and her dream. Knowing that the brewery is being taken care of while she deals with cancer will be a tremendous help for Janet. It will keep her stress free, a very important aspect of battling cancer. Don’t forget that you can buy growlers and kegs from us to supply your next event with. Bored on a rainy Sunday afternoon? Come have a pint or two in our taproom. We are also happy to host an event for you in our taproom.

The entire Spinnaker Bay Brewing family sends many thanks to everyone who has already helped us grow since we opened our doors in 2013. We could not have made it this far without you. Now more than ever Janet needs your help. Please consider contributing to this important cause in any way you can no matter how small or how large you are able to. Every little bit will go towards making sure Janet is able to overcome cancer and continue living out her dream as a professional brewer and business owner with her amazing talented partner Elissa Pryor.

If you have any questions please contact Colleen Ames at