Brouwer's Cafe and The Pine Box donating Elysian "Raconteur" draft sales to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Statistically, there isn't a single person in the world who didn't know someone or hasn't heard of someone dying from cancer. This is in spite of the continued evolution of medical research and treatment.

Oncologists will tell you that they don't know for certain the root cause. Some say it's genetic and others will tell you it's environmental. But both doctors, scientists, and the general people can agree, cancer sucks. Five years ago, an entire community of brewers, wholesale distributors, friends, and family came to the same conclusion - after bartender, Christopher Evan Cavanaugh passed away from Leukemia in 2011 at the age of 34.

image sourced from Brouwer's Cafe
Chris, as experienced through the eyes of his closest allies, was remarkable. Like every person on this planet, "Cavy" (as he was known to loved ones) inspired memories wherever he worked. An example of this inspiration came in the form of Raconteur, a beer brewed by Elysian Brewing, to recognize his social philosophy and roots from the state of Pennsylvania.

Raconteur was conceived as a clone of Yuengling Porter, a Pennsylvania brew enjoyed by Chris when he lived in those parts (and by Dick, when he lived in Philadelphia in the early eighties). Kevin, Waylon and Dick came up with the recipe, which in addition to pale, Munich and Great Western C-15 dextrine malt has a nice chocolatey touch of Weyermann Carafa 2. We bittered it with German Northern Brewer and finished with a combination of German Northern Brewer and Cascade. It is about 4.85% ABV, and around 25 IBU. Raconteur may display slightly more chocolate in its flavor than the original, but we are pretty pleased with it. We have had many a pint, and plan to drink many more of them in Chris’s honor; naturally we wish he were to enjoy it with us.
image sourced from
This week, both The Pine Box and Brouwer's Cafe are dedicating this beer, and the 100% of proceeds from it, towards the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Those of you who are closest to Capitol Hill are encouraged to inquire (with The Pine Box) if this limited edition is still available to enjoy. While those in or around the Fremont neighborhood are asked to visit Brouwer's Cafe.

About Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding research, finding cures and ensuring access to treatments for blood cancer patients.

Since 1949 LLS has been on the forefront of blood cancer advances such as chemotherapies and stem cell transplantation leading the way to the targeted therapies and immunotherapies that are saving thousands of lives today.

LLS is changing the landscape of cancer with more than 300 active research projects that explore different avenues of new and adventurous research; ones with promise and ones that will save lives not someday, but today.

Whenever we talk about cancer, we always use the same word. Someday. Someday there will be a cure. Someday we won’t lose the people we love. But when is someday? With LLS’s research partnerships and collaborations with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, patients support services and advocates working for blood cancer patients everywhere, someday is today.eur was conceived ... source,