Consider something fun for your next party, New Belgium releases Up Next Brut IPA.

Press Release

(FORT COLLINS) New Belgium Brewing’s brand new Up Next Series taps into the brewery’s tradition of innovation by offering easy-drinking, unique and flavor-bending beers that reflect evolving trends in food and drink. Brut IPA, a bubbly and effervescent brew perfect to ring in the New Year, is first up in the Up Next Series.

Inspired by sparkling wine and partner Dick Cantwell’s foray into brewing Brut IPAs at sister brewery Magnolia Brewing in San Francisco, New Belgium’s Brut IPA pours a bright and bubbly platinum blonde with white grape and tropical aromas that give way to a refreshingly dry finish. The beer offers a crisp alternative to hazy fruit-forward IPAs.     

“The IPA drinker is constantly on the lookout for fresh new flavors and that’s really inspiring for a brewer,” said Ross Koenigs, New Belgium Research & Development Brewer. “San Francisco has been ground zero for development of Brut beers so it’s been a lot of fun bouncing ideas off the team out there. Our Brut IPA mashes wine notes with a beer backbone that delivers the best of both traditions. This beer will take you through the holidays and beyond – it makes a great beer-mosa as well. ”

The Up Next series features new flavors rotating quarterly throughout 2019. Future offerings push the boundaries of traditional beer style definitions while giving micro and often regionalized beer trends national exposure. The Up Next Series intends to blend trending flavors with a hint of seasonality.

“People are looking for beverages that blur the lines and break new ground,” Koenigs continued. “With Fat Tire, New Belgium helped turn a generation of beer drinkers onto craft. We want to keep bringing new drinkers into craft beer with flavors that take inspiration from outside the category. The only limit is our imagination.”

Up Next Brut IPA

Malts: Pale, Pilsner
Hops: Nelson Sauvin, Citra, Hull Melon, Azacca
Yeast: Ale

ABV: 6.7%
IBU: 40

Availability: Now nationally in 12 oz. bottles and on draft while supplies last.

For more information about New Belgium or any of its beers, visit

About New Belgium Brewing

New Belgium Brewing, makers of Fat Tire Amber Ale and a host of Belgian-inspired beers, is recognized as one of Outside Magazine’s Best Places to Work, one of the Wall Street Journal’s Best Small Businesses and tops Bicycling Magazine’s Best Companies for Cyclists. The 100% employee-owned brewery is a Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Business as designated by the League of American Bicyclists, one of World Blu’s most democratic U.S. businesses, and a Certified B Corp. In addition to Fat Tire Amber Ale, New Belgium brews fourteen year-round beers: Citradelic Tangerine IPA, Fat Tire Belgian White, The Hemperor HPA, Voodoo Ranger IPA, Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA, Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze IPA, Sour Saison, Honey Orange Tripel, Dayblazer Easygoing Ale, 1554 Enlightened Dark Ale, Bohemian Pilsner, Abbey Belgian Style Ale, Trippel and a gluten-reduced beer, Glutiny Pale Ale. To learn more, visit and follow the brewery on FacebookTwitteror Instagram.