(OR) Eight Malty Nights Release Party, at Lompoc

Portland, OR – I was reviewing my emails when this little gem came across the wire. 

“Every year, Lompoc Brewing releases more than a half dozen Christmas beers around the first of December. This year, the brewers are excited to brew a beer in honor of Hanukkah as well. 
Dubbed "Eight Malty Nights," the Chocolate Rye beer will be brewed tomorrow, November 10.  Rabbi Bradley Greenstein from the Congregation Neveh Shalom will be present to bless the mash and deliver a toast.  The beer will be released on the first day of Hanukkah, Dec. 11.

To witness the blessing of the mash and take part in the toast, please be at Lompoc Brewing, 3901 A N Williams Ave, Portland on Tuesday, at 7:30 am.”

If you are reading this now and haven’t decided what to do later, you do now.


Lompoc Brewing
3901 A N. Williams Avenue Portland, OR