(WA) Wandering the Hop Fields, November 9th, 2009

This past week’s experiences included an Anniversary, open membership, and a sad passage.

The Ram opens its doors to new members

image courtesy of RateBeer.com Puget Sound - It was brought to my attention that come the 16th of November open enrollment in The Ram’s Mug Club will be a reality. Besides getting your name on a mug (that you can take home) thirty bucks ($30) entitles you to two dollars off ($2) pints and invitations to beer release  parties. As an enticement Dave Leonard was kind enough to mention that they are releasing a Winter Wit and a Belgian Double this month.

In Seattle (*call ahead for verification of continued availability) they are featuring a preview of sorts. Here is what Dave had to say regarding the Mocha Stout.

“Mocha Stout is a nitro stout Cafe Vita coffee and Theo Nibs”

Try this beer before it goes on at the Winter Fest as the ‘WABL beer’. Finally, look for Mall Walker to make its triumphant return this coming December.

For more details contact your local Ram Restaurant and Brewery or go to their website.

Walla Walla Brewers Closes Its Doors … for now

image courtesy of Walla Walla Brewers Walla Walla - Recently it was brought to my attention that a beloved brewery in my native Walla Walla (yes that Walla Walla) was closing its doors due to ongoing financial concerns. Walla Walla County for all the wineries it produces is a region with only four breweries. Founder and Brewer Tyson Crudup when I asked him for comment had this to say regarding their closure.

“I will brew again some day. For now just at home until I can plan a better return. I will be on touch. Cheers”

This is a sad commentary for a brewery that was featured at last year’s WABL Anniversary (Citra Hopped India Pale Ale) as well as recognized by not only this writer but several others¹ as well. Good Luck Tyson, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

WABL Anniversary the aftermath

Seattle – Last Saturday with the backdrop of Key Arena (sans Sonics) and a cold air blowing against us, we waited for the fourth annual WABL Anniversary party. Started in 2005 as a way for craft beer consumers to show their support for local craft beer, today the event attracts over 300 goers.

Strewn throughout the expansive Rainer Room within Seattle Center tables and chairs eagerly awaited guests. The event wasn’t without nourishment both for the mind and stomach either. Furthest from the entrance, a prominent lasagna, chips, and cookie bar attracted hoards of eager appetites prior to filling their glasses. Upon returning to your seat one only had to walk a few feet to sample the unique, the familiar, and the new from breweries as far east as Yakima.

Throughout the night each guest waited eagerly for a chance to win complimentary gifts courtesy of the Washington Brewers Commission. I myself won amongst the three hundred people a set of Georgetown Manny’s Pale Ale pint glasses.

Special thanks to the breweries who supplied us with wonderful beers, Janelle Pritchard (Snoqualmie Falls), and our newly elected Brewery Commissioner Eric Radovich. If the name fails to ring a bell you only have to attend a University of Washington Husky Football game or listen to Seattle Mariner’s Ichiro Suzuki's introduction.

The night came to a close with the brewers and guests that were in attendance raising a toast to the passages of Jim Quilter, Dick Young, and Brian Sollenberger.


¹reference. Washington Beer Blog & Seattle Beer News

²reference, Janelle Pritchard offered a special thanks to the local ‘bloggers’ for without them Jim Quilter, Dick Young, and Brian Sollenberger’s passages would have remained unnoticed.