(WA) Fremont Brewing Celebrates 1st Year Milestone By Returning to 5K & Briefcase Relay 6/11

image Fremont Brewing courtesy of Russ+'s Flickr page Seattle, WA - One would say that we are flush with breweries, bars, and beer, but that would be the arrogance coming out. Although there are some 30 breweries in the area, most of them have in one way or another breathed a sigh of relief as they trudge through the economy, one pint at a time. Add to this list another who can breathe a bit easier, as they celebrate the first year of giving people hangovers, excuses for conversation, and in a unique way, awareness of the environment.

Located in the former 'nest' of Ride the Ducks of Seattle, Fremont Brewing Company, started with the idea of not only producing awesome brews, but also being a brewery that left little in regards to an environmental impact. So far, the brewery has done that through their grain recycling program with the next door neighbors Methane. And to top things off, they recently started putting some of their head brewer's (Matt Lincoln) experience working at Chicago's Goose Island to use by purchasing and using previously used oak barrels to age their beers.

This Saturday, June 11th will mark the one year anniversary of the first time a pint of Fremont beer was poured to the public and, we can say it's encouraging whenever a business passes this milestone. If you want to congratulate the guys (and girls) of the brewery you can do so in two ways. Either sign up for the 5K & Briefcase Rally or just visit the brewery this Friday or Saturday.

About Fremont Brewing

image Review of Fremont Brewing, Seattle, WA courtesy of Dor & Bob's Flickr page The Why, Where, and Who

“Fremont Brewing was born of our love for our home and history as well as the desire to prove that beer made with the finest local ingredients – organic when possible --, is not the wave of the future but the doorway to beer's history. Starting a brewery in the midst of the Great Recession is clearly an act of passion. We invite you to come along with us and enjoy that passion -- because beer matters.”

“See our Sustainability page for more about us.”


“Known as the Center of the Universe, Fremont is industrial and sleekly postmodern -- home to artists, fisherpeople, tradespeople, technology geeks, and lots of beer lovers. And, for those who don't know, Washington state is home to the second largest hop growing region in the world.”


image Fremont Brewing's Matt Lincecum courtesy of our Flickr page “Founder/Owner MATT LINCECUM is a long-time environmentalist, community organizer, and home brewer. But to make a living, he became an attorney and specialized in beverage and hospitality law. As fun as that sounds, Matt decided that instead of spending his time making other people’s dreams of owning a bar or restaurant or brewery come true, he should realize his own latent and undisclosed-to-his-wife desire to start a microbrewery. [more]”

June 11th, 2010 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM *pre-race warm up and social libations
Adobe Plaza, Fremont 5K & Briefcase Relay
North 34th Street & Fremont Avenue Seattle, WA 98103

June 11th, 2010 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM *race, followed up with a post-race celebration
Adobe Plaza, Fremont 5K & Briefcase Relay
North 34th Street & Fremont Avenue Seattle, WA 98103

Fremont Brewing Co.
3409 Woodland Park Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98103-8925 (206) 420-2407‎


About the photo’s author
+Russ is a photo blogger and an avid beer fan who got immersed in beer and the Seattle beer culture through homebrewing and the thirsty pursuit of new craft ales to sample.

About the photos’ author
Paul “Fruit Trees” Orchard, is an amateur craft beer enthusiast and amateur photographer. Throughout the many years in craft beer he is always carrying a camera (smartphone, digital, traditional) and is invites you to see that beer can also be exciting even if you can’t drink the photo.