Beer Review: Pyramid Brewing’s Outburst Imperial India Pale Ale

image of Pyramid Ales' Outburst Imperial India Pale Ale courtesy of our Flickr pageWith Spring not that far away we almost forgot about the ‘beers of Winter’. This past month Pyramid Ales was kind enough to re-introduce us to their Ignition Series IPA offering, Outburst Imperial India Pale Ale. Historically this brewery has been more known for their Hefeweizen and Snowcap Winter Ale than their India Pale Ale. But we can honestly say that we were one of those stoked when we tasted a pint of Outburst Imp. IPA directly from the Alehouse.

Brewery Association Guidelines

Imperial or Double India Pale Ales have intense hop bitterness, flavor and aroma. Alcohol content is medium-high to high and notably evident. They range from deep golden to medium copper in color. The style may use any variety of hops. Though the hop character is intense it’s balanced with complex alcohol flavors, moderate to high fruity esters and medium to high malt character. Hop character should be fresh and lively and should not be harsh in quality. The use of large amounts of hops may cause a degree of appropriate hop haze. Imperial or Double India Pale Ales have medium-high to full body. Diacetyl should not be perceived. The intention of this style of beer is to exhibit the fresh and bright character of hops. Oxidative character and aged character should not be present

image of Pyramid Ales' Outburst Imperial India Pale Ale courtesy of our Flickr page Outburst Imperial India Pale Ale pours deep copper with strong clarity. As the beer settles in the glass an initial strong (less than an inch) off-white, foamy head forms, before quickly receding,  leaving little the presence of lace behind.

As the glass is swirled around you get an overall sense fore citrus and pine before it finishes finishing out with bits of caramel.

Sipping we are initially greeted by orange citrus before a wash of caramel sweetness and pine bitterness before a medium finish of bitterness. Overall medium to strong with a lingering mild stickiness.

Brewery Description

With big beer taste and massive hop flavor, Outburst lights spring's fuse. Dry-hopped for an extra rejuvenating rush, this imperial IPA causes a thirst-quenching commotion wherever it's poured. Ignite the season with a bang.

Our Thoughts.
You Should Try This. There was a time we would have avoided beers from this brewery, but we can honestly say that this is one we will not pass up. A word to the wise, at 8.50% this beer should be enjoyed in moderation. If you are feeling like having this at a pub or bottleshop that features this but allows outdoor food, we suggest a ham sandwich and bacon sandwich with some savory cheese.

Thoughts by your Colleagues


About the photos’ author
Paul “Fruit Trees” Orchard, is an amateur craft beer enthusiast and amateur photographer. Throughout the many years in craft beer he is always carrying a camera (smartphone, digital, traditional) and is invites you to see that beer can also be exciting even if you can’t drink the photo.

In accordance with new FTC regulations regarding bloggers and endorsements, the aforementioned company has provided me a free sample that was used for research prior to writing this review.