Brewery News: WA: Bothell: Foggy Noggin Brewing celebrates their 6th anniversary, March 26th, from noon to 5 pm

Press Release
image courtesy Foggy Noggin Brewing
Foggy Noggin Brewing turns 6 this Saturday and has some special surprises that every beer enthusiast will want to attend
Saturday - March 26th (noon - 5pm) - Foggy Noggin celebrates our 6th Anniversary all day.  We release bottles of 2016 Anniversary Ale and will be pouring some rare beers all day.  This is the party you just can't miss out on - you never know what might happen.  

What you won't see at our 6th Anniversary Celebration:
  • Dancing Fogettes
  • Elephant Races
  • Alligator Wrestling
  • Pony Rides 
  • Valet parking 
  • Beer Pong Competition
What you will see at our 6th Anniversary Celebration:
  • Release of our 2016 Anniversary Ale in 22 ounce bottles and on tap
  • Fn Anniversary Cake
  • 10 taps pouring traditional English Ales
  • While kegs last - pints of past year's of Anniversary Ale (2012, 2013 & 2015)
  • While kegs last - pints of Fn6 (Imperial 2016 Anniversary Ale)
  • Drawings every 1/2 hour for some cool Fn stuff
  • Opened March 20, 2010
  • Brewing System - 1/2BBL
  • Brewing Sessions To-Date - over 1,250
  • Small Batch Brewers of Authentic English Ales

We thank the beer community for the tremendous support we have received over our first 6-years journey and look forward to what is ahead in the next coming years.

image courtesy Foggy Noggin Brewing