Alehouse Event: Seattle: Naked City Brewery and Taproom celebrates 8 years, Saturday October 22nd.

Amiable, remarkable, the kind of guy you'd share a beer with. That about sums up our thoughts when we recall Don Webb or Bryan Miller, co-owners of the Naked City Brewery and Taproom. 

Located at 8564 Greenwood Avenue in Seattle's Greenwood neighborhood, Naked City has been an oasis for families, film buffs, and those looking for something different in their local taproom. In the past eight years, the brewery and taproom weathered a depressed economy and recently a local natural/unnatural disaster. But like the mural featured on the wall of the (Walrus) beer garden, the business has persevered along with the neighborhood like the mythical phoenix. Which makes Saturday, October 22nd's party all the more memorable.

Throughout the day, the taproom will entertain and nourish people with everything from a petting zoo to two folk bands. But for those looking for something from the brewery, the taproom will not only showcase 33 "house-brewed and local beers", but also feature a rare opportunity to purchase Naked City's "The Can in Black" Black Malt Liquor, vintage 2015 The Big Lebrewski Kahlua Oak-aged Imperial Stout, or this year's anniversary beer "The Grapes of Wrath".

More on The Grapes of Wrath, The Big Lebrewski, and The Can in Black
Founding Brewer Don Webb brewed 19 tasty draft beers for the day including three headliners: The Grapes of Wrath, a Belgian Style dark cherry sour ale aged in Temperanillo wine barrels for 15 months; The Big Lebrewski, Naked City’s award-winning white Russian imperial stout, and The Can in Black, a black malt liquor inspired by Johnny Cash and brewed in collaboration with Cash Brewing.
The 2015 vintage of The Big Lebrewski will also be for sale in premium 22 ounce bottles. The Can in Black will be available only in 16 ounce tall boys.

More on the Madison Grove Farm petting zoo.
The Madison Grove Farm petting zoo will run from noon to 3pm, featuring miniature horses, goats, rabbits, and a little donkey. At 3pm, 3-Play Ricochet takes the stage in the Screening Room for a lively bluegrass show, followed at 6pm by folk singer-songwriter Simon Kornelis.
Anniversary Day draft list from Naked City Brewery *guest beers to be announced
  • The Spy Who Came In For A Kolsch
  • Pinkerton Porter
  • Screening Room Red
  • Crossfire IPA
  • American Music Secret Sessions Ale
  • Athena Session Ale
  • Quittin' Time IPA
  • Sonny's Gone Mad!
  • Betsy's Mountain
  • Orange Blossom Special IPA
  • Old # 48 Imperial Stout
  • Geaux Naked Barleywine
  • Headless Centaur Rum Pumpkin Ale
  • The Big Lebrewski
  • The Fall Guy
  • Brett Saison
  • Under the Cherry Moon
  • The Grapes of Wrath
  • The Taming of the Brew IPA
Starting at 11:30 am, the brewery opens its doors and taps to those seeking to remember their first beer or first meal at the Naked City Brewery and Taproom.